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Dr. Bernard Kusena


PhD (Humanities) in History (Rhodes), MA (UZ) Economic History, BA (Hons), Dip.Ed. (UZ), LLBS(UZ) (pending)

Academic Appointments:

Senior Lecturer at the department of Economic History at the University of Zimbabwe

Research Interests:

Food Security and Rural Development

Faculty: Arts and Humanities
Department: Economic History
Research Category: Arts

Senior Lecturer in the Department of Economic History

Phone: +263242303211

Kusena, B. Digital historical research and the repositioning of Africa in knowledge production, Universidad Nacional Itapua, Dept of Economic History, 2021
Kusena, B. Community-Based Organisations and the Development Agenda in Zimbabwe: The Case of Marange Development Trust, 2014–2017 Universidad Nacional Itapua, Dept of Economic History, 2020
Kusena, B. Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child”:: Corporal Punishment, Religious Values and the Concept of Development in Zimbabwe,Universidad Nacional Itapua, Dept of Economic History, 2019
Kusena, B.
Kusena, B. Sustainable Livelihoods and Artisanal Mining in Marange, Zimbabwe, 2006–2016,Universidad Nacional Itapua, Dept of Economic History, 2019.
Anti-Environmentalism, Gender and Employment: Contestations Over the Construction of the ‘Frog Hotel' On Harare, Zimbabwe's Wetlands, 2012-2018 Universidad Nacional Itapua, Dept of Economic History, 2018.
Kusena, B. The political economy of land and urban development: The case of Epworth, Zimbabwe, 1980-2012, 2018

Patented Work:

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