Researcher Profiles

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Ms. Beatrice Bondai


PhD Candidate, UNISA Master of Science in Counselling, Zimbabwe Open University Master of Psychology in Education, University of Zimbabwe B.Ed (English and Psychology), University of Zimbabwe Certificate in Education, UZ.

Academic Appointments:

Principal Lecturer (Marymount Teachers’ College) Lecturer (Educational Psychology), UZ

Research Interests:

Guidance and counselling; Unhu/Ubuntu/Vunhu; Gender and development; Measurement and evaluation; Personality development; Language policy and Education

Faculty: Education
Department: Educational Foundations
Research Category: Education

Phone: +263 773120260

Refereed Journal Articles

• Mashiri, W. and Bondai, B. (2019). Effectiveness of Performance of Lag Address Programme for Children with Learning Disabilities in Nyanga District Primary Schools. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 31(1), 45-68.
• Mutisi, D. and Bondai, B. (2018). Guidance and Counselling Needs for Student Teachers: A Case Study of One Teachers’ College in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 30(3), 341-353.
• Bondai, B. and Kaputa, T.M.(2016). Reaffirming Ubuntu/Unhu Mainstreaming in the Education Curricula: Panacea for Sustainable Educational Change in Southern Africa. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 4(6), 37-44.
• Mavhunga P.J. and Bondai B. (2015). Gender Mainstreaming In Education in Zimbabwe: Mirth? In Educational Research International, SAVAP, 4(4), 9-21.
• Soda, J. and Bondai, B. (2015). Coping Strategies Employed By Students to Address Stress Emanating From Socio-Economic and Academic Challenges: A Study of Nyadire Teachers’ College in Zimbabwe. In Educational Research International, SAVAP, 6(4), 339-352.
• Matope, N.; Maruzani, N.; Chauraya, E. and Bondai, B. (2013). ‘Lobola and gender based violence: Perceptions of married adults in Gweru Urban, Zimbabwe’ in Journal of Education and Behavioural Sciences, 2(11), 192-200.
• Muchenje, F, Gora, R and Bondai, B. ‘Constraints of Private Sphere Responsibilities on Availability of Time to Study: A Case Study of Married Women Students at the University of Zimbabwe’s Faculty of Education, In Academic Research International, 4(3), 513-525.
• Muchenje, F, Goronga, P and Bondai, B. ‘Zimbabwe’s Language Policy in Education and the Silenced Voices: A Case Study of Nyanja/Chewa Speaking Pupils from Porta and Kintyre Primary Schools in Zvimba, Zimbabwe’ in Academic Research International, 4(2), 500-511.
• Bondai, B.;Gora, R. and Muchenje, F. (2012).‘Language and Gender: Implications on the Development of Female Self-Concept in Zimbabwe’ in Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 24(1), 13-24.
• Rwodzi M. and Muchenje, F. and Bondai, B. ‘Student Teacher Perceptions of the Role of Classroom Mentors on Attachment Teaching Practice: The Case at Morgan ZINTEC College’ in Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 23(3), 236-258.
• Goronga, P. and Muchenje, F. and Bondai, B. (2011). ‘The Impact of Teacher Incentives in Boosting Teacher Morale In Zimbabwean Primary Schools: A Case Study Of Selected Schools In Chinhoyi Urban’. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 23(2), 170-185.
• Bondai, B. and Muchenje, F. (2008). ‘Teachers’ Coping Strategies in Financial Difficulties: A Case Study of the Classroom Tuckshop Phenomenon in Zimbabwe Urban Primary Schools in Norton’, in Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 20(3), 261 – 279.

Book Chapters
• Bondai, B.; Gatsi, R. and Manyame, E. (2016). ‘Introduction to Guidance and Counselling’. In Gatsi, R.; Bondai, B and Manyame, E. Guidance and Counselling, pp.1-40. UZ: Harare.
• Bondai, B. (2016). ‘Guidance and Counselling Services in the Schools’. In Gatsi, R.; Bondai, B and Manyame, E. Guidance and Counselling, pp. 129-150. UZ: Harare.
• Bondai, B. (2016). ‘The Counselling Process in the Schools’. In Gatsi, R.; Bondai, B and Manyame, E. Guidance and Counselling, pp. 151-180. UZ: Harare.
• Bondai, B. (2016). ‘Multicultural Counselling in the Schools’. In Gatsi, R.; Bondai, B and Manyame, E. Guidance and Counselling, pp. 222-245. UZ: Harare.
• Bondai, B. (2013). ‘Towards A Comparative Analysis of Formative and Summative Types of Evaluation in Education’ in Oswell. H. Chemhuru (Compiling Editor), Issues in Foundations of Education, Book Love Publishers: Gweru, 141-148.
• Bondai, B. (2013). ‘Towards A Critical Examination of Quantitative Item Analysis’, in Oswell. H. Chemhuru (Compiling Editor), Issues in Foundations of Education, Book Love Publishers: Gweru, 149-160.

• Bondai, B. and Mpezeni, L. (2014). BSCC 319 Personality Development and Counselling, Harare: ZOU.
• Bondai, B.; Kudenga, E.; Munemo, E. and Nyamande, W. (2011). DES 101 Psychology of Education, Harare: ZOU.
• Bondai, B. (Editor) (2010). Social Psychology Module PS124. Women’s University in Africa: Harare.

Patented Work:

Grants & Funding (current and Past projects):

Awards & Achievements:

University Book Prize, 2000
University Book Prize, 2001

Consultancy and advisory work (current and past):

Guidance and counselling

Supervision information (MPhil, DPhil, etc.):

Professional membership, Committees, Boards:

Independent Counselling and Advisory Service (ICAS); South Africa

External Profile Links (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, other social media links):

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